Whether this involves the scanning of buildings, industrial premises, historic monuments or technology units, our team can deal with every challenge.

Top technology

A laser scanner is a geodetic instrument which – simply speaking – disperses a laser beam around it. This then is reflected off the surrounding scanned area and back to the instrument. This principle results in so-called point clouds. A point cloud has great density (there is only a few millimetres of distance between individual points) and a number of points (one survey can contain up to hundreds of millions of points). These points are then displayed in 3D – each individual point has X, Y and Z coordinates.

This is a guarantee of a highly accurate and detailed scanning of a building. It is not surprising that laser scanning is a greatly sought-after method of surveying among designers, architects as well as investors, or ITSs.

Quality surveying (such as with laser scanning) will not only help in planning, designing and constructing or reconstructing your building project, but also quickly and effectively help you to reduce the costs of preparing and implementing construction.

Accurate and quality outputs

An output of our work can be an original point cloud, but we also know how to deliver far more advanced outputs – drawings in 3D (views, sections, floor plans) in AutoCAD.

We therefore know how to create an accurate “digital double” of a scanned object with all the distinguishable details.

Typical outputs

We deliver laser scanned outputs typically in digital form in common formats:point clouds (.las, .e57, . pod, ….), horizontal and vertical sections (*.dwg), cubature computations (m3).